About Me

I have been given a lot of help in my life, sometimes from the most unlikely sources. Much of the help I have received has been from those faceless writers who fill the internet with tips and advice on everything ranging from writing PHP to realising your hearts desires. Those writers are not without their own questions, and anything we can do to help more people will be a sign of our gratitude for what they have given us, even if they themselves never see what we have done. Here I wish to do my bit, to help people and give advice.

My job is that of an English teacher, my degree that of an engineer, and my passion is for technology. I love taking things apart, and rebuilding them, whether they are physical objects like computers, or virtual entities, such as Blogger. I must modify and attempt to improve on everything I touch.

Currently, I am working on finding new ways to make Blogger look as unique as possible compared to the provided layouts, and on a book. Having taught English in 6 different countries, on 4 different continents I believe I have struck an excellent balance in the method of teaching our language, and wish to share that with others who are in the same profession. I am also working to integrate this method into a digital format to assist non-native English speakers both to learn and improve on the language. This is no mean feat so watch this space if you want to help me...